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Dołączył: 20 Lip 2008
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PostWysłany: 23:14, 06 Wrz '08   Temat postu: Jezuici stoją za masonerią - obszerny artykuł Odpowiedz z cytatem


Plecam naprawde goraco, niestety dla wielu, w jezyku angielskim. Rowniez pozostale artykuly na stronie godne uwagi. Juz wczesniej nie mialem watpliwosci co do tego ze Zakon Jezuitow stoi za styworzeniem Illuminati, za stworzeniem stopni wtajemniczenia w masonerii i za wieloma jej "odłamami". Ale to ugruntowalo moja wiedze w tym temacie a takze w innych kwestiach. Must read!
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Dołączył: 20 Lip 2008
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PostWysłany: 00:40, 07 Wrz '08   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

It is curious to note too that most of the bodies which work these, such as the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, the Rite of Avignon, the Order of the Temple, Fessler's Rite, the "Grand Council of the Emperors of the East and West -- Sovereign Prince Masons," etc., etc., are nearly all the offspring of the sons of Ignatius Loyola. The Baron Hundt, Chevalier Ramsay, Tschoudy, Zinnendorf, and numerous others who founded the grades in these rites, worked under instructions from the General of the Jesuits. The nest where these high degrees were hatched, and no Masonic rite is free from their baleful influence more or less, was the Jesuit College of Clermont at Paris.

Charles Sotheran
Mr. Charles Sotheran, Corresponding Secretary of the New York Liberal Club, which was received by us on the day after the date it bears. Mr. Sotheran is known as a writer and lecturer on antiquarian, mystical, and other subjects. In Masonry, he has taken so many of the degrees as to be a competent authority as regards the Craft
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Dołączył: 17 Maj 2008
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PostWysłany: 22:24, 04 Lis '10   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Kogo wyszkolili/''wyedukowali'' Jezuici?

The Jesuit Order controls a worldwide network of schools, colleges, universities, seminaries, etc. This global network of Jesuit institutions is, in reality, a cover for a massive network of training centers that are used to let the Jesuits groom/indoctrinate/make-contact-with promising individuals, so that they can get them to positions of power in exchange for their obedience. Many top movers and shakers have been trained by the Jesuits and that is how they came into contact with the Order that they now are completely controlled by.


Joseph Goebbels (Nazi Minister of Propaganda, Nazi member of the Reichstag)

"Nothing is more instructive
in this connexion than the works of Joseph Goebbels. It is known
that the latter was brought up in a Jesuit College. . . . Every page,
every line of his writings recalls the teaching of his masters."
-Edward Paris

"The German elite in the Vatican, including Goebbels and General Steinmann."

"Archbishop Cesare Orsenigo, papal nuncio to Germany, with Goebbels "

Joseph Stalin (Communist dictator of the Soviet Union for 31 years)

"His result was exceptionally brilliant and this got him to the Theological Seminary of Tiflis, Georgia, run by Jesuit monks."
(CONFIRMED.. Stalin's Jesuit training straight from the horses mouth: http://www.marxists.org/r...lin/works/1931/dec/13.htm)

Fidel Castro (Communist dictator of Cuba since 1965)

"In his early life Fidel Castro went to Jesuit schools and from there he attended the Jesuit preparatory school Colegio Belen in Havana"

Castro meets with the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta

Bill Clinton (President of the US from 1993-2001)

"It's rumored that John Kennedy was his father; could be. In any event, Clinton was trained by the Jesuits of Georgetown. He was the class president of his junior year, I believe. His senior year, he was not re-elected because the student body said he was 'too close to the Jesuit faculty'."

(CONFIRMED: http://query.nytimes.com/.../People/C/Clinton,%20Bill)

George Tenet (CIA Director from 1997-2004)

"Tenet holds a bachelor's degree (1976) from the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University"

(CONFIRMED: http://www3.georgetown.ed...rs/GLS_Newsletter_2-2.pdf)

William Casey (CIA Director from 1981-1987)

"William Joseph Casey was born on March 13, 1913, in Elmhurst, Queens, the son of William J. and Blanche La Vigne Casey. He earned a bachelor's degree at Fordham University in 1934."

Juan Carlos I (King of Spain)

"In 1954 he completed his Baccalaureate at the San Isidro School in Madrid"

John Kerry (US Senator, 2004 Presidential Candidate, Bonesman)

"The skill Kerry showed in the presidential debates he honed at BC Law as a winner of the Grimes Moot Court Competition in his second year, and as a 3L on the National Moot Court Team that won the New England regional championships, said Carey, who teaches appellate advocacy as a part-time member of the BC Law faculty."

Picture of John Kerry at Boston College

Robert Gates (Secretary of Defense, CIA Director from 1991-1993)

"...a Ph.D. in Russian and Soviet history from Georgetown University in 1974."

(CONFIRMED: http://www.ll.georgetown....uides/GatesNomination.pdf)

Abdullah II
(King of Jordan)

"in 1987 he attended Georgetown’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service as a Mid-Career Fellow. There he completed an Advanced Study and Research program in International Affairs, part of the Master of Science in Foreign Service program. "

Prescott Bush
(Banker, President's Grandfather)

"Prescott Sheldon Bush studied under the Jesuits of Stonyhurst for five years from 1908-1913"
(CONFIRMED: http://ufaqs.com/wiki/en/pr/Prescott%20Bush.htm)

Jose Barroso
(President of the European Commission, Prime Minister of Portugal from 2002-2004)

"Jose Manuel Durao Barroso, President of the European Commission and former Prime Minister of Portugal, is a member of the GLS class of 1998. "

John C. Gannon
(Former Head of Intelligence for the DHS, Real founder of the DHS, Former CIA officer, CFR Member)

"John C. Gannon '66" (Note: The article goes into how he was part of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. It really goes into his, to quote the article, "Jesuit roots".)

E. Gerald Corrigan
(Former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York)

"E. Gerald Corrigan, Ph.D. (GSAS ’65, ’71)"

Pat Buchanan
(Adviser to three Presidents, Former CNN host, Regular guest on FOX, 2000 Presidential Candidate)

"Buchanan attended Catholic schools and in 1961 received an A.B. degree in English from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C."

Adam Weishaupt (Founder of the Illuminati)

"Weishaupt began his formal education at age seven at a school controlled by the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits)."

Shimon Peres
(President of Israel)

I heard from Barry Chamish that Shimon Peres was Jesuit-trained in Poland and sent him an email about it.

Me: I remember reading something you wrote about how Shimon Peres had a
Jesuit education. Is there a source for this?

Barry: Yes, In Yitzhak Rabin's 1977 book, he says Peres was educated in a
Jesuit school til age 9. Barry'

So, there you have it. Israel's President is also confirmed to have had a Jesuit education..

For more Jesuit-trained 'movers and shakers', go here: http://z13.invisionfree.c...?showtopic=38676&st=0

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Dołączył: 29 Wrz 2010
Posty: 202
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PostWysłany: 09:54, 05 Lis '10   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Ciekawy wątek.
Myślę, że trop jest właściwy.
Ale czy na liście @Tańcząca z wilkami nie powinny się znaleźć jeszcze Alex Jonse i paru innych nam znanych z teraźniejszości jegomości ?
Którzy "rzekomo" działają rzecz anty NWO ?


i jeszcze może to :

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Dołączył: 17 Maj 2008
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PostWysłany: 11:04, 05 Lis '10   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Alex Jones wg. mojej skromnej opinii Very Happy stoi niżej w hierarchii niż Ci jego moście- to nie jest top guy polityk, który ''zarządza'' państwami tylko użyteczny idiota pajac.
Aczkolwiek jest to jesuits gatekeeper.

Special for you:

Alex Jones

* Jesuit temporal co-adjutor, government fear monger, the ultimate alternative-news gatekeeper!
o He works for the Genesis Communication Network (GCN) media network. (see below)
o He has consistently refused to discuss the Jesuit Order / Labor Zionist involvement in political history.
+ "Alex Jones CIA agent" of the continued Project Mockingbird and Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor and alternative Media Gatekeeper for the Vatican.
+ video: Callers bring up the Zionists and the Jesuit Order, Alex plays somewhat ignorant ("I don't believe the Jesuit Order runs everything").
+ video: William Cooper exposes scaremonger Jesuit-CIA Alex Jones (6 parts)
+ Other videos: [11], [12], [13]
o He is a very loud fear monger (police state, prison camps, new attacks coming soon).

* Disney Corporation / ABC relations:
o "ABC is owned by the Disney Corporation and GCN is an ABC affiliate playing on over 128 + ABC AM/FM Channels." [14]
+ I’m not too concerned about the whole Bohemian Club 'infiltration' by Jones. I’m quite sure that was set up. Remember Alex Jones sold a video of a family he interviewed involved with Waco to 20/20 (ABC). (...) Let's look at Monica C. Lozano a Walt Disney Co. board member. Her father is Ignacio E. Lozano, Jr. He was a Director of Bank of America, The Walt Disney Company, Pacific Life and Sempra Energy. He has also been a Publisher and Editor of La Opinion. He is a graduate and a member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Notre Dame. He is a notorious member of the Bohemian Club. Ignacio was also on the board of directors of Disney. He was directly involved with the merger of ABC with the Walt Disney Co. SEC document. He served as a director of Disney until 2001 (Bloomberg Law Reports doc.) which would have given him the perfect position to help Alex Jones get into the grove. Like Her father, Monica works for Disney as well as La Opinion. She is is a trustee of SunAmerica Asset Management Corporation (owned by AIG). This explains why Alex Jones might have received foreknowledge prior to 9/11. This also explains why Alex Jones will not allow for Richard Andrew Grove to speak about AIG's direct involvement with 9/11 on his show. She is also on the board of directors of the Bank of America, following in her fathers footsteps. Monica has been a Director of the Walt Disney Co. since 2000 which would put her into the perfect position to help Jones get into the grove. In 2000 Alex Jones infiltrated the gathering and caught the exclusive video." [15]
o "Genesis Communications Network is an ABC affiliate"
o "GCN radio fakers": "GCN black-listing certain truth-telling guests squashing controversial information They even broadcast corporate mind-control news feeds from the USA Radio Network - another mainstream source! Furthermore, reports the USA Radio Network's has ties to the Armed Forces Radio Network. Ted Anderson President of GCN is also president of Midas Resources, whose U.S. sales in 2004 were $8,500,000 ... not too bad for someone who keeps begging his audience for money to pay for bandwidth! (source: Dunn & Bradstreet). Either by blackballing potential guests from their shows (and literally, the entire Genesis Communications Network), acting as censors and gatekeepers, or barring writers who speak-out from their websites, these two establishment Company Men epitomize the heavy-handed tactics used by the mainstream media to silence those who refuse to remain within the well-defined parameters of their thinly-veiled CONTAINMENT MOVEMENT. Alex Jones, Jack Blood, Joyce Riley, Jeff Rense, and others. One thing becomes perfectly clear ? nearly the entire alternative media has been corrupted, tainted, bought-off, or used as a form of CONTAINMENT to quell the truth. Likewise, now that GCN is an affiliate of the corporate-controlled media magnate ABC, can you see why GCN Talk Show Host want to censor movements like the Watchdog Group. Regrettably, large segments of the alternative media are already severely compromised and corrupted; and inconceivably, too many people accept the fact that some of the biggest names in this field are now undeniably infiltrated and controlled by the powers-that-be including GCN. Credible Pete Kawaja and Joe Jordan also blasted GCN and Joyce Riley for disinformation for the Gulf War."
+ "The Jeff Rense show was originally distributed by Premiere Radio Networks, but was dropped in the late 1990s. Genesis Communications Network took over distribution at that time, and carried the show through August 2009, at which point Jeff Rense pulled the show from the network after he accused fellow GCN host Alex Jones of terrorizing his family. Rense is currently broadcasting via the similarly themed Republic Broadcasting Network. [16]
+ RBN removes Greg Szymanski

* Suspicious relations:
o "Alex Jones' suspicious connections do not end there. He has close ties with the [crypto-fascist] John Birch Society. His father was a member of JBS and he had it's President, John F. McManus, on his show. McManus was trained by Jesuits at Holy Cross College and was involved in US Air Force Weapons Development." [17]
o video: Pat Buchanan interview (Knight of Malta!)
o video: Alex Jones Interviews David Mayer de Rothschild (Rothschild-hype propaganda. See also: Masonic Judaism)

* See also:
o Search query: "Alex Jones Jesuits"
o Opposingdigits.com article

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Dołączył: 17 Maj 2008
Posty: 2461
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PostWysłany: 16:46, 14 Lis '10   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Obecny przewodniczący Rady Europejskiej

Herman Van Rompuy

Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Fleming Herman Van Rompuy gained substantial favour as a candidate for the new job of full-time European Union President relatively late in the game. It was his consensus-building skill holding a challenging coalition together at home which grabbed attention.
Pragmatic rather than charismatic was how at least one analyst described him. He is a Jesuit-educated former economics professor


But one interesting thing about Mr Van Rompuy is his Catholicism, about which he makes no bones. He was educated (drumroll, s'il vous plaît) by Jesuits in Brussels,

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Dołączył: 16 Maj 2016
Posty: 208

PostWysłany: 13:16, 08 Sie '17   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Jak to jest, że tematy o Jezuitach tutaj na forum tak szybko się kończą? Siedzą tutaj jacyś Praktykanci Ignacjańskich ćwiczeń duchowych?

Co Alberto powiedział o Jezuitach?

http://imgur.com/a/kikpt Reszta tutaj dla dociekliwych.
Jeśli dowiedziesz swoich racji – zyskasz niewiele,
jeśli dowiodą ci błąd – zyskasz dużo, poznasz prawdę.
Jehuda Ben Samuel (XII w.)
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