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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 19:18, 24 Maj '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Russia tests new missile, in warning over U.S. shield

(Reuters) - Russia tested a new long-range missile on Wednesday that should improve its ability to penetrate missile defense systems, the military said, in Moscow's latest warning to Washington over deployment of a missile shield in Europe.

The Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) was successfully launched from the Plesetsk facility in northwestern Russia and its dummy warhead landed on target on the Kamchatka peninsula on the Pacific coast, the Defense Ministry said.

The new missile is expected to improve Russia's offensive arsenal, "including by increasing the capability to overcome missile defense systems that are being created", the ministry said in a statement.

dalej: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/05/2.....EU20120523
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Dołączył: 19 Lut 2009
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PostWysłany: 13:08, 27 Maj '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Start chińskiego satelity wojskowego Zhongxing-2A

O 17:56 czasu polskiego z kosmodromu Xichang wystartowała rakieta nośna CZ-3B z taktycznym satelitą Zhongxing-2A znanym również jako Chinasat-2A. Satelita wyniesiony został na geostacjonarną orbitę transferową.

Tuż po starcie amerykański USSTRATCOM zlokalizował następujące parametry orbity nowego obiektu: 207,1 x 35786,9 km o inklinacji 27,09 stopni.

Satelita Zhongxing-2A (Chinasat-2A) zbudowany został w oparciu o platformę DFH-4 przez China Great Wall Industry Corporation. Jego szacunkowa masa wynosi 5200 kg. Z oczywistych przyczyn większość szczegółów technicznych na temat chińskich satelitów militarnych nie jest znana.

Wyniesiony w dniu wczorajszym ładunek jest pierwszym egzemplarzem serii satelitów militarnych Shentong drugiej generacji. Chiny wykorzystują jeszcze satelity militarne typu Fenghuo, które również zapewniają bezpieczny transfer danych oraz komunikację głosową siłom zbrojnym tego państwa.

Rakieta Długi Marsz 3B (Chang Zheng-3B) jest najmocniejszą rakietą, jaką obecnie dysponuje Państwo Środka. Rakiety dodatkowe, pierwszy oraz drugi stopień rakiety CZ-3B napędzane są mieszanką niesymetrycznej dimetylohydrazyny (UDMH) oraz czterotlenku azotu (N2O4), które są paliwami „łatwoprzechowywalnymi”. Trzeci stopień rakiety napędzany jest z kolei paliwami kriogenicznymi – płynnym wodorem (LH2) oraz płynnym tlenem (LOX).

reszta: http://www.kosmonauta.net/index.php/Misj.....ng-2a.html


Chengdu J-20 to myśliwiec piątej generacji, który wyglądem przypomina amerykańskiego F-22 i rosyjskiego Suchoj T-50, jednak jest od nich dłuższy i cięższy.

Maszyna będzie co prawda mniej zwinna, ale duże gabaryty i niewidzialność dla radarów pozwolą na wykorzystanie jej jako myśliwca przechwytującego.

Informacje na temat Chengdu J-20 są bardzo ograniczone, jednak z oficjalnych chińskich źródeł wynika, że myśliwiec rozpocznie służbę w latach 2017-2019.


PS Koszt jednostkowy 110 mln USD
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Dołączył: 20 Gru 2011
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PostWysłany: 23:07, 27 Maj '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

W 2007 roku zgodnie z decyzją Putina powołana została do życia Państwowa Koroporacja: "Ros - technologia"
W skład "Ros - technologii" wchodzi dziś ponad 600 zakładów produkcyjnych a prawie 80% z nich należy do sektora zbrojeniowego: między innymi producent legendarnych AK 47 zaklad Iż -masz. Do tej państwowej korporacji dołączył również największy na świecie dostawca tytanu, "VSMPO-AVISMA", od którego zależą producenci firm "Boeing "," Airbus "i" Rolls Royce ". Podwozie wszystkich airbusów 380 jest z rosyjskiego metalu. Należący do "Ros - technologii" holding "Wiertalioty Rosji" " w 2010 roku zajął pierwsze miejsce na światowym rynku wojskowych helikopterów.

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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 12:25, 04 Cze '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Bimi napisał:
Czy wiedzieliście, że Niemcy dopłacają Izraelowi do łodzi podwodnych?
Bo dla mnie to nowość.

Israel Arming Submarines Supplied and Largely Financed by Germany with Nuclear-tipped Cruise Missiles

Israel is arming submarines supplied and largely financed by Germany with nuclear-tipped cruise missiles, influential German news weekly Der Spiegel reports in its issue to be published on Monday.

The magazine said in a cover story that Berlin had until now denied any knowledge that German submarines were being used as part of an Israeli atomic arsenal.

But former high-ranking officials of the German defence ministry told Der Spiegel that the government always assumed Israel was putting nuclear warheads on the Dolphin-class vessels.

The article, based on a months-long probe, cited files from the foreign ministry in Berlin indicating the West German state was aware of the practice as early as 1961.

An Israeli navy boat escorts a Dolphin class German-made submarine named Tekuma (Hebrew …

In Israel, foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said only: “I can confirm that we have German submarines. It’s no secret.

“As for the rest, I am not in a position to talk about their capacity,” he told AFP.

Israel is the Middle East’s sole if undeclared nuclear-armed power.

Germany has already supplied Israel with three of the submarines in question, footing most of the bill, and another three are to be delivered by 2017 under a recently signed contract.

Meanwhile Israel is weighing whether to order three more, according to the report.

“The Germans can be proud to have ensured the existence of the state of Israel for several years to come,” Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak was quoted by Der Spiegel as saying.

The opposition Social Democrat Party called Sunday on Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government for an explanation.

“The federal government must provide information so that we know if the submarines delivered by Germany can be potentially equipped with nuclear warheads,” party spokesman Rolf Muetzenich told Der Spiegel.

Merkel’s spokesman Steffen Seibert said all submarines had been delivered unarmed.

“The federal government will not speculate on subsequent arming,” he said.

The report said Germany hoped to see Israeli concessions on settlements on Palestinian land and approval for the completion of a sewage treatment plant in the Gaza Strip in exchange for the assistance.

Israel sees its existence under threat if its arch-foe Iran goes nuclear. Like the United States, it has refused to rule out bombing Iranian nuclear sites.

Germany, bearing the historical guilt of the Holocaust, is Israel’s closest ally in Europe.

But it has sharply criticised Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s pro-settlement policies in the West Bank and annexed east Jerusalem as undermining peace efforts with the Palestinians.

Tensions between Germany and Israel flared in April when Nobel prize-winning German author Gunter Grass published an inflammatory poem warning that a nuclear-armed Israel “could wipe out the Iranian people (with a) first strike.”

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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 21:51, 15 Cze '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Guns for buddies: US weapons sales surge overseas

US foreign military sales have shot over $50 billion. Another record-breaking year is expected thanks to US ally Saudi Arabia, which accounts for three-fifths of the sum.

"We have already surpassed $50 billion in sales in the fiscal year 2012," Andrew Shapiro, assistant secretary of state for political-military affairs, told journalists on Thursday.

Though it is three months till the end of the fiscal year, the figure already shows a 70 per cent increase over government-to-government military deals in 2011. Last year also set a record for the US with sales at some $30 billion.

“The sale to Saudi Arabia was very significant,” said Shapiro. The $29.4 billion deal finalized in December included 84 new fighter jets and the modernization of 70 old jets.

Former Canadian diplomat Peter Dale Scott told RT that Saudi’s big contribution to Washington’s revenues may be explained by the long standing “arms for petrol” relations between the two countries.

“During the oil price hikes of 1971 and 1973 the US negotiated an agreement to pay Saudi Arabia higher prices for crude, on the understanding that Saudi Arabia would recycle the petrodollars, many of them through arms deals,” said Professor Scott. “So recently the imports of American hardware to Saudi Arabia have grown significantly.”

The record-breaking figure also includes the sale of the Joint Strike Fighter to Japan, which is valued at approximately $10 billion, according to the State Department.

As for direct commercial sales, whereby companies sell directly to foreign governments as opposed to government-to-government sales, an official report released the previous week only accounts for 2011. That year brought US contractors some $44 billion with top customers including Jordan, Japan, Israel, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

dalej: http://www.rt.com/news/usa-military-sales-nato-954/
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 15:42, 17 Cze '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Twice as deadly: Saudi Arabia aims at 10 bln euro tank deal with Germany

Saudi Arabia wants to buy between 600 and 800 Leopard II main battle tanks from Germany, at least twice more than what was previously reported, a German newspaper says. The future deal is estimated to worth around 10 billion euros.

A German-Saudi contract for purchase of some 300 brand new modern tanks was on the table since at least last year. Hover the Gulf monarchy wants more hardware, Bild newspaper reports.

There is still resistance in the German federal government to selling military hardware to Saudis. Foreign Ministry and Defense Ministry both oppose it due to security and human rights considerations.

The Economy Ministry advocates the deal, which would give a boost to domestic defense producers Krauss-Maffei Wegman and Rheinmetall, especially as the demand for armor from the German army shrinks with its ongoing restructuring.

The initial contract for 300 tanks is already ready for signing, but still requires consent from a council of eight German ministers and the Federal Chancellor, who has to approve any export of military technology from the country. So far Germany was reluctant to sell heavy arms to the Gulf nations.

reszta: http://www.rt.com/news/german-tanks-saudi-arabia-010/
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 14:23, 20 Cze '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Our Nukes Cost More Than You Think; Stimson Pegs Annual Nuke Spending At $31B

The defense budget is going down...have you heard? The presidential campaign is shedding a lot of heat, but very little light on this reality; you won't hear much of substance about how or where it will go down. Or much sensible or reasonable discussion about how we manage a defense build-down in a way that saves money while ensuring we continue to be as secure as we are today.

In one nook and cranny of this discussion we find America's nuclear arsenal, almost forgotten in the age of counter-insurgency and nation building. As the administration considers next steps in the size and shape of our strategic nuclear weapons, there has been a small tempest over the question of how much we spend on our strategic nuclear forces.

Knowing the size of the nuclear budget will not solve the policy dilemma: what is the right nuclear force for the 21st century? But an accurate evaluation of how much we spend today will establish the baseline from which that argument can be had.

Surprisingly, our understanding of how much we spend on strategic nuclear forces is quite imprecise and the Pentagon has been underestimating that spending by almost 100 percent, according to a new study -- just out -- from the Stimson Center.

The official DoD estimate puts nuclear weapons spending at $214 billion over the next 10 years, or just above $20 billion a year. Several independent studies have said spending is as high as $55 billion a year. Wild accusations have been thrown around in the last year about "low balling" and 'high balling" the data.

czytaj dalej: http://defense.aol.com/2012/06/18/our-nu.....-nuke-spe/
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PostWysłany: 11:57, 08 Sie '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

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PostWysłany: 10:07, 12 Sie '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

O kurwa - chyba Polska będzie musiała dokupić jeszcze parę rosomaków i F16, coby nie zostać w tyle.
Wszak Bóg Honor Ojczyzna, a na to jeszcze NATO - więc nie będzie Rusek pluł nam w twarz Laughing

Moscow to spend over $720 bln on new military aircraft

Russia’s air force will get 1,600 new warplanes and choppers by 2020, announced President Vladimir Putin. The program will cost Moscow some US $723 billion.

“We are talking primarily about providing our forces with state-of-the-art modern technology,” Putin said at an air show in the Moscow Region ahead of the 100th anniversary of the country's air force. “Over 600 new warplanes and 1,000 helicopters will come into service by 2020 – not mentioning the upgrade to already existing systems.”

Putin thanked industry workers and officers for helping the aviation “endure the difficult times of the 1990’s and early 2000’s.” He also added that the role of a strengthened air force in Russia’s armed forces will be increasing.

The renovation will primarily cover the long-range strategic aviation, tactical aviation, army air force, combined with the introduction of high-precision armament, electronic warfare defense systems, and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft systems.

Speaking at the air show, Putin pointed out that much of this planned work has already begun.

The Russian military faced tremendous spending cuts in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. During his presidential campaign, Putin defined the strengthening of the country’s military as one of his primary goals.

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PostWysłany: 10:01, 25 Gru '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Russia signs $3bn arms deals with India

Russia will sell India military helicopters and military equipment worth about $3bn under a new agreement as bilateral trade might double to $20 by 2015.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and India’s PM Manmohan Singh signed a number of arms deals during Putin’s visit to Delhi, which include the supply of 71 military helicopters for $1.3bn and kits to assemble 42 Sukhoi jet fighters for a further $1.6bn.

India is currently the world's largest arms importer, and one of Russia's top clients for arms sales as Russian-made military equipment accounts for 70% of Indian weaponry.

Trade between Russia and India has been growing steadily and is expected to reach around $10bn dollars in 2012, up from $7.5bn in 2009, according to Indian official figures. Ahead of the visit, the Russia President called to increase bilateral trade to $20bn by 2015.

"Our trade turnover has overcome the consequences of the global crisis, and in 2012 we expect to reach record numbers, over $10 billion. Our next goal is to reach $20bn by 2015," Putin said.

reszta: http://rt.com/business/news/russia-india-military-deal-736/
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PostWysłany: 15:09, 26 Lut '13   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

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PostWysłany: 12:29, 12 Sie '13   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Indie: zwodowano pierwszy lotniskowiec krajowej produkcji

Pierwszy zaprojektowany i zbudowany w Indiach lotniskowiec zwodowano w stoczni Koczin w stanie Kerala na południowym zachodzie kraju. Minister obrony Arackaparambil Kurie Antoni podkreślił z tej okazji, że Indiom potrzebne są nowoczesne siły morskie.

Prace nad wyposażeniem pierwszego indyjskiego lotniskowca mają potrwać do 2016 roku. Potem przeprowadzona zostanie seria testów i w 2018 roku "INS Vikrant" rozpocznie służbę. Według indyjskich mediów koszty budowy lotniskowca wyniosą (w przeliczeniu) 3,8 miliarda euro.

Jednostka ma 260 metrów długości i 60 metrów szerokości. Stal do jej budowy dostarczyła jedna z państwowych firm indyjskich. Załoga "INS Vikrant" będzie liczyła 1450 osób. Z lotniskowca będą mogły korzystać myśliwce MiG-29K produkcji rosyjskiej, indyjskie samoloty LCA i produkowane przez Rosjan śmigłowce Kamow.

Indie konsekwentnie rozbudowują swe siły morskie. W sobotę uruchomiono reaktor pierwszego zbudowanego w tym kraju okrętu podwodnego z napędem atomowym.

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Dołączył: 19 Lut 2009
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PostWysłany: 13:54, 20 Gru '13   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Komuś się kontrakt sypie Cool

US to sanction Turkey`s planned purachse of HQ-9 missile system

The U.S. Congress is set to adopt a law next week forbidding Turkey from using American funds to acquire a $4 billion missile system from a Chinese company blacklisted by Washington. The United States has voiced deep concern over Turkey's decision in September to enter negotiations with China Precision Machinery Export-Import Corporation for its first long-range anti-missile system. CPMIEC, which makes the HQ-9 missile system, is under U.S. sanctions for selling arms and missile technology to Iran and Syria.

Turkey's move also irritated its allies in NATO, which has said missile systems within the transatlantic military alliance must be compatible with each other. The annual U.S. defense authorization bill, passed Thursday by the House, contains a clause barring the use of "2014 funds to integrate missile defense systems of the People's Republic of China into U.S. missile defense systems.

Such a system would not be compatible with, and should not be integrated with, missile defense systems of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization," the Senate and House Armed Services Committees said. Without U.S. subsidies, the cost for Turkey to install the Chinese missiles becomes steeper. The bill is expected to be approved in the Senate next week, before being signed into law by President Barack Obama. CPMIEC beat competition from a U.S. partnership of Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, Russia's Rosoboronexport, and Italian-French consortium Eurosam for the multibillion-dollar deal. These companies have until January 31 to submit new bids.
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PostWysłany: 14:24, 20 Gru '13   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Venom napisał:
Komuś się kontrakt sypie Cool

a propos

Brazil chooses Swedish fighter jet over Boeing F-18 in $4.5B deal

RIO DE JANEIRO — Brazil’s government said Wednesday that Sweden’s Saab won a long-delayed fighter-jet contract initially worth $4.5 billion to supply at least 36 planes to Latin America’s biggest nation.

The decision to buy the Saab jet over Boeing’s F-18 Super Hornet or France’s Dassault Rafale came as a surprise to many. Some analysts said Boeing’s bid was hurt by reports that the U.S. conducted extensive spying in Brazil, including a direct targeting of President Dilma Rousseff’s communications.

Defense Minister Celso Amorim said the choice after some 15 years of debate was made after “careful study and consideration, taking into account performance, transfer of technology and cost, not just of acquisition but of maintenance.”

Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt went on Twitter to call the decision “a tribute to Swedish technology and competitiveness.”

reszta: http://seattletimes.com/html/boeingaerospace/2022486259_brazilfighterjetxml.html
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PostWysłany: 19:50, 22 Gru '13   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

China planning 110,000-ton 'super aircraft carrier' to rival US naval power

Following Washington’s move to increase its military footprint in Asia, China has declared it is building a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of a size to compete with the mightiest in the US naval fleet.

Chinese website qianzhan.com, citing top sources in the People's Liberation Army, said China’s first domestically produced aircraft carrier should be launched by 2020. "By that time, China will be able to confront the most advanced US carrier-based fighter jets in high sea," the Chinese-language article reads.

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PostWysłany: 16:38, 07 Mar '14   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

China defense budget to increase 12.2 pct in 2014: report

BEIJING, March 5 (Xinhua) -- China plans to raise its defense budget by 12.2 percent to 808.2 billion yuan (about 132 billion U.S. dollars) in 2014, according to a budget report to be reviewed by the national legislature on Wednesday.

In 2013, the country spent 720.197 billion yuan on national defense, a 10.7-percent increase from the previous year.

Double-digit growth in China's defense budget in recent years has caused some concerns from western countries. But experts said China's military expenditure is moderate and in line with the country's economic conditions.

Yin Zhuo, director of the Expert Consultation Committee of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy, said China's military spending is still far from the level it needs to be as the country faces increasingly severe security challenges.

Although the rise in the defense budget in the past three years has surpassed GDP growth, the spending's share in GDP, which came in at 1.4 percent, is still far below the world average of 3 percent, Yin said, citing statistics.

A report released by London's International Institute for Strategic Studies showed the United States remained the world's biggest defense spender in 2013, with a budget of 600.4 billion U.S. dollars in 2013.

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PostWysłany: 11:40, 14 Mar '14   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Światowe wydatki na zbrojenia biją rekordy - co bynajmniej nie znaczy że niektóryz nie próbują zaoszczędzić, podpierdalając projekty konkurencji Smile

New Chinese stealth jet built with stolen F-35 component designs

A new Chinese stealth fighter jet’s design includes details obtained in a Chinese cyber-spying operation conducted seven years ago against the F-35 Lightning II, according to a new report based on conversations with US military officials and contractors.

The Chinese espionage plot, dubbed Operation Byzantine Hades by US intelligence agencies, primarily targeted government as well as US industry. While the US Office of National Intelligence is known to have more details about the plot, Bill Gertz of the Washington Free Beacon reported that new Chinese planes have incorporated technology previously only found in the F-35.

A video posted on a Chinese military message board was reportedly the first evidence that such a theft had taken place. The websites featured images of a newer version of the J-20 stealth jet, a twin engine aircraft currently under development by the Chinese People Liberation’s Army.

dalej: http://rt.com/news/chinese-jet-cyber-espionage-stolen-718/
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PostWysłany: 12:27, 21 Mar '14   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Up in arms: Poland accelerates missile defense plan amid Ukraine crisis

Amid growing tensions in neighboring Ukraine, Poland's Defense Ministry has announced the country will speed up its efforts for a missile defense system.

Poland has announced it will boost the pace of its missile defense tender. The Thursday statement comes amid international tensions in and around Ukraine.

"The issues related with Poland's air defense will be accelerated," Reuters quoted spokesman Jacek Sonta as saying. "Poland plans to choose the best offer for its missile defense in the next few weeks."

The European NATO member was due to limit the number of existing bidders by June of this year. Yet, despite calls not to exacerbate tensions in the region, Poland decided to quicken the process, citing concerns over Ukraine.

Current bidders for the missile defense system include: France's Thales with European group MBDA and the Polish state defense group; the Israeli government; American Raytheon; and the Lockheed Martin’s MEADS consortium.

The spokesman clarified that Poland intends to sign the final agreement for the construction of the missile shield this year. The project is projected to be built by the end of 2022.

Military experts estimate that the project will cost up to $13.1 billion.

dalej: http://rt.com/news/poland-accelerates-missile-shield-189/
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Dołączył: 10 Mar 2014
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PostWysłany: 18:16, 21 Mar '14   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Ostatnio stałem się aktywnym użytkownikiem Twittera i zgadnijcie na co trafiłem w pierwszym dniu swojej aktywności na polskim ćwierkaczu ?? Totalny lobbing konernu Raytheon, który ma polskojęzyczne konto i jest aktywnym komentantorem na kontach ludzi związanych z władzą. Niezły ruch biorąc pod uwagę, że do wydania jest 130 mld złotych, a na Twitterze w Polsce siedzi głównie elita polityczna i media.
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 10:41, 28 Kwi '14   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

India successfully test-fires long-range interceptor missile

New Delhi upped the strategic ante as it successfully test-fired a new interceptor capable of destroying incoming long-range missiles, a move that will not go unnoticed by rival nuclear-armed neighbors, China and Pakistan.

India’s Advanced Air Defence (AAD) interceptor missile on Sunday successfully intercepted an incoming surface-to-surface ballistic missile fired from a ship off the coast in the Bay of Bengal.

"The test was successful," test range director M.V.K.V. Prasad told IANS. "It is the first time that we have successfully conducted the test of an exo-atmospheric interceptor," he said.

The test is part of double-tiered missile defense system that India’s military hopes will provide a multi-layered defense system against any potential ballistic missile strike.

“It is a system to intercept enemy missiles with a range of 2,000 kilometers,” Avinash Chander, the director-general of the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO), said last week. “The missiles will get intercepted at range of more than 100 kilometers away, so that damage to our cities can be prevented.”

DRDO has already successfully tested six interceptor missiles, both in endo-atmosphere (within 30 km altitude above sea level) and exo-atmosphere stage (above 30 km altitude).

dalej: http://rt.com/news/155180-india-long-range-interceptor/
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 10:33, 26 Maj '14   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

MON przyspieszy zakupy wyrzutni rakiet i śmigłowców uderzeniowych

- MON zde­cy­do­wa­ło się przy­spie­szyć za­ku­py wy­rzut­ni ra­kiet o za­się­gu do 300 ki­lo­me­trów oraz śmi­głow­ców ude­rze­nio­wych - po­in­for­mo­wał wi­ce­szef MON Cze­sław Mro­czek. Woj­sko roz­po­czy­na też przy­go­to­wa­nia do przy­ję­cia po­ci­sków ma­new­ru­ją­cych JASSM dla F-16.

Dzia­ła­nia te to efekt prze­glą­du w pla­nie mo­der­ni­za­cji tech­nicz­nej sił zbroj­nych, który w marcu - w związ­ku z sy­tu­acją na Ukra­inie - za­po­wie­dział pre­mier Do­nald Tusk. Jak po­wie­dział Mro­czek, który w MON od­po­wia­da za za­ku­py uzbro­je­nia i sprzę­tu woj­sko­we­go, re­sort zde­cy­do­wał się na "drob­ne ko­rek­ty", ale sam plan i jego prio­ry­te­ty uzna­no za za­sad­ne.

Do tej pory MON po­in­for­mo­wa­ło, że w ra­mach ko­rekt zde­cy­do­wał się na wcze­śniej­szy zakup bez­za­ło­gow­ców ope­ra­cyj­nych (klasy MALE - Me­dium Al­ti­tu­de Long En­du­ran­ce, czyli śred­nie­go pu­ła­pu i dłu­gie­go czasu trwa­nia lotu) oraz dru­gie­go Nad­brzeż­ne­go Dy­wi­zjo­nu Ra­kie­to­we­go (po­stę­po­wa­nie ma zo­stać uru­cho­mio­ne jesz­cze w 2014 r.). Mro­czek po­wie­dział, że przy­spie­sze­niu ule­gną także pro­gra­my wy­rzut­ni ra­kiet (kryp­to­nim Homar) oraz za­ku­pu śmi­głow­ców ude­rze­nio­wych, na­stęp­ców Mi-24.

- Pod­czas prze­glą­du kie­ro­wa­li­śmy się za­sa­dą zwięk­sze­nia zdol­no­ści sił zbroj­nych do ra­że­nia, by zwięk­szyć nasz po­ten­cjał od­stra­sza­nia.

dalej: http://wiadomosci.onet.pl/kraj/mon-przys.....wych/mzdtn
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Dołączył: 24 Wrz 2007
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PostWysłany: 11:03, 26 Maj '14   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

A to przebiegły Tusek, gdzie on trzymał te zaskórniaki o których nikt nie widział ? Bo chyba nie dostaniemy tego za darmo.
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Dołączył: 22 Sie 2009
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PostWysłany: 23:36, 15 Paź '14   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Russia Arms Expo 2013

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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 21:50, 17 Lut '15   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Amerykański "Newsweek" komentuje rosnący budżet wojskowy Polski

Tarcza antyrakietowa, rakiety taktyczne, drony, śmigłowce. 42 miliardy dolarów, które Polska zamierza wydać w nadchodzącej dekadzie na zbrojenia, budzą zainteresowanie zagranicznych mediów.

Amerykański „Newsweek” uwypukla związek przyspieszonych zakupów Warszawy z sytuacją geopolityczną w regionie. - Choć Polska planowała duże wydatki zbrojeniowe od dłuższego czasu, wojna na Ukrainie pokazała, że konieczne jest przyspieszenie. Widać, że Polska chce odgrywać większą rolę w europejskiej strategii obronności niż tylko tę konsumenta bezpieczeństwa. Chce być dużą częścią europejskiego sojuszu - mówi na łamach amerykańskiego „Newsweeka” analityk Gustav Gressel. Tygodnik przypomina też o rosyjskich manewrach, podczas których ćwiczono atak na Polskę z morza i powietrza. Dziennikarze spekulują, że szybkie doposażanie polskiej armii to efekt odczuwalnego w Środkowej Europie rosyjskiego zagrożenia i podkreślają, że zbrojenia Warszawy mocno kontrastują z europejskim marazmem.

"W ciągu najbliższej dekady Polska wyda na sprzęt wojskowy 33,6 mld euro (42 mld dolarów). Takie wydatki sprawiają, że Warszawa jako jedna z niewielu stolic dostosowuje się do wytycznych NATO sugerujących wydatki na zbrojenia na poziomie 2 proc. PKB" - informuje za to francuska agencja prasowa AFP podając, że pieniądze polskich podatników pójdą m.in. na system obrony przeciwlotniczej, łodzie podwodne i transportery opancerzone.

dalej: http://swiat.newsweek.pl/polski-budzet-z.....285,1.html
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Dołączył: 18 Wrz 2007
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PostWysłany: 13:49, 18 Lut '15   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Sens ma tylko bron falowa !
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