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Dołączył: 18 Kwi 2010
Posty: 2310
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PostWysłany: 10:02, 11 Cze '11   Temat postu: www.memri.org Odpowiedz z cytatem

Wiadomo że w kraju w którym funkcjonuje nowyekran oraz naszdziennik, głod informacji nie jest dolegliwy ,ale tym którzy chcieliby skonfrontować posiadane informacje ,lub zgoła dowiedzieć się, co się dzieje w świecie islamu ,to bardzo polecam stronę memri.org
Znajomość języka :irańskiego ,arabskiego,tureckiego ,nie jest w naszej częsci świata częsta ,dlatego autorzy strony postanowili przełamać tę barierę i publikują informacje w kilku europejskich językach.
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Dołączył: 10 Lis 2007
Posty: 779
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PostWysłany: 12:14, 11 Cze '11   Temat postu: Re: www.memri.org Odpowiedz z cytatem

pszek napisał:
to bardzo polecam stronę memri.org

Nasi Doradcy i dyrektorzy:

Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush i Barack Obama.

Rada Dyrektorów

* Oliver "Buck" Revell: Chairman; Former FBI Associate Deputy Director-Investigations, in charge of Criminal Investigative, Counter-Terrorism, Counter-Intelligence and International programs; formerly a member of the National Foreign Intelligence Board, Vice-Chairman of the Interagency Group for Counter Intelligence, and of the Senior Review Group of the Vice President's Task Force on Terrorism; currently the President of Revell Group International, Inc. Oliver "Buck" Revell: przewodniczący, b. zastępca dyrektora FBI Associate-Badania, za Criminal Investigative, walki z terroryzmem, Kontrwywiadu i programów międzynarodowych; były członek Narodowej Rady Wywiadu, wiceprzewodniczący grupy międzyagencyjne Counter Intelligence, i Senior Review Grupa Task Force wiceprezydenta w sprawie terroryzmu, obecnie prezes Revell Group International, Inc
* Elliott Abrams: Former Special Assistant to President George W. Bush, Senior Director of the National Security Council for Near East and North African Affairs, and former Deputy National Security Advisor for Global Democracy Strategy Elliott Abrams: były specjalny asystent prezydenta George'a W. Busha, starszy dyrektor Krajowej Rady Bezpieczeństwa dla Bliskiego Wschodu i Afryki Północnej spraw i były zastępca doradcy ds. bezpieczeństwa narodowego dla globalnej demokracji strategii
* Steve Emerson: Executive Director of The Investigative Project and known terrorism expert Steve Emerson: dyrektor wykonawczy projektu badawczego i znany ekspert z terroryzmem
* Jeffrey Kaufman: Managing Trademark and Copyright Partner at Oblon, Spivak, McClelland, Maier & Neustadt Kaufman Jeffrey: Zarządzanie i znaków towarowych Copyright Partner w Oblon, Spivak, McClelland, Maier i Neustadt
* Robert Reilly: Former official at the Department of Defense and Chairman of the Committee for Western Civilization at the Claremont Institute. Robert Reilly: Były urzędnik Departamentu Obrony i przewodniczący Komitetu ds. Western Civilization w Claremont Institute.

Rady Doradców

* Bernard Lewis: Professor of Near Eastern Studies Emeritus at Princeton University Bernard Lewis: profesor emerytowany studiów bliskowschodnich na Uniwersytecie Princeton
* Gen. Michael V. Hayden: Retired United States Air Force four-star general and former Director of the National Security Agency and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Gen. Michael V. Hayden: Emeryci United States Air Force czterogwiazdkowy ogólne i były dyrektor Narodowej Agencji Bezpieczeństwa i dyrektor Centralnej Agencji Wywiadowczej.
* Elie Wiesel: Recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, Presidential Medal of Freedom, the US Congressional Gold Medal, and the Medal of Liberty Award Elie Wiesel: Laureat Pokojowej Nagrody Nobla, Prezydencki Medal Wolności, Kongresu USA złoty medal, a Medal of Liberty Award
* James Woolsey: Former Director of Central Intelligence Agency and Secretary of the Navy James Woolsey: były dyrektor Centralnej Agencji Wywiadowczej i sekretarz marynarki wojennej
* Chin Ho Lee: Former FBI Special Agent and Senior Executive of the Hyundai Corporation Chin Ho Lee: Były agent specjalny FBI i Senior Executive w Hyundai Corporation
* Stuart Eizenstat: Former ambassador to the European Union Stuart Eizenstat: Były ambasador przy Unii Europejskiej
* John Bolton: Former US Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton: Były ambasador USA przy ONZ
* Josef Joffe: Editor-in-Chief of Die Ziet Josef Joffe: Redaktor naczelny "Die Ziet
* John Ashcroft: Former US Attorney General and US Senator (MO) John Ashcroft: Były amerykański Prokurator Generalny i senator (MO)
* Ehud Barak: Former Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Barak: Były premier Izraela
* Irwin Cotler: Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Cotler Irwin: Minister i prokurator generalny Sprawiedliwości Kanada
* Jose Maria Aznar: Former Prime Minister of Spain Jose Maria Aznar: były premier Hiszpanii
* Stephen J. Trachtenberg: President Emeritus and University Professor of Public Service at George Washington University Stephen J. Trachtenberg: emerytowany Prezes i profesor University of Public Service na George Washington University
* Michael Mukasey: Former US Attorney General and Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York Mukasey Michael: Były amerykański Prokurator Generalny i sędzia Trybunału Stany Zjednoczone Rejonowego dla Południowego Dystryktu Nowego Jorku
* Jana Hybaskova: Former Member of the European Parliament and Chairperson of the European Democrats Party (Czech Republic) Jana Hybášková: Były poseł do Parlamentu Europejskiego i przewodniczący Partii Europejskich Demokratów (Czechy)
* Norman Podhoretz: Former editor-in-chief of Commentary Magazine Norman Podhoretz: Były redaktor naczelny magazynu Komentarz
* Mort Zuckerman: Chairman and editor-in-chief, US News & World Report Mort Zuckerman: prezes i redaktor naczelny "US News & World Report
* William Bennett: Former Secretary of Education William Bennett: Były sekretarz Edukacji
* Christopher DeMuth: Former President, American Enterprise Institute Demuth Christopher: były przewodniczący Amerykańskiego Instytutu Przedsiębiorczości
* Paul Bremer: Former Ambassador to the Netherlands; former Director of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance in Iraq (de-factor governor) Paul Bremer: Były ambasador w Holandii, były dyrektor Odbudowy i Pomocy Humanitarnej w Iraku (współczynnik gubernator de)
* Alfred Moses: Former Ambassador to Romania Alfred Moses: Były ambasador Rumunii
* Herb London: President of the Hudson Institute Londyn Herb: Prezes Instytutu Hudson
* James Q. Wilson: Professor of Public Policy at Pepperdine University James Q. Wilson: profesor polityki społecznej na Pepperdine University
* Max Kampelman: Recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom; Former Ambassador to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe Kampelman Max: Odbiorca Prezydencki Medal Wolności, były ambasador w Konferencji Bezpieczeństwa i Współpracy w Europie
* Dr. Khaled Fouad Allam: Algerian sociologist at the University of Trieste (Italy) Khaled Fouad Allam dr: socjologa Algierii na Uniwersytecie w Trieście (Włochy)
* Lafif Lakhdar: Tunisian intellectual Lafif Lakhdar: tunezyjski intelektualnej
* Dr. Shaker Al-Nabulsi: Jordanian writer and University Professor Dr Shaker Al-Nabulsi: jordańska pisarz i profesor Uniwersytetu
* Magdi Khalil: Human rights activist and Executive Editor of the Egyptian weekly Watani International Magdi Khalil: Obrońca praw człowieka i redaktor naczelny egipski tygodnik Watani International
* Parastou Forouhar: Iranian artist Parastou Forouhar: irańskiego artysty
* Faraj Sarkouhi: Former editor of the Iranian literary monthly magazine Adineh Faraj Sarkouhi: Były redaktor miesięcznika literackiego Iranu Adineh
* Lord George Weidenfeld: Former Vice-President, Oxford University Development Program Lord George Weidenfeld: Były wiceprezes, Oxford University Program Rozwoju

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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość

Dołączył: 18 Kwi 2010
Posty: 2310
Post zebrał 0.000 mBTC

PostWysłany: 12:55, 11 Cze '11   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Masz jakiś problem @ostrożny ? jeśli otwarcie piszą o swojej kuchni to tylko znaczy że są uczciwi.
Przecież mogliby ukryć się za nic nie mówiącymi nazwami fundacji ,np Veritas ,Nasza Przyszłość ,czy jakoś tak.Tak przecież się robi ,możesz mi wierzyć .
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Adwokat Diabła

Dołączył: 15 Lut 2009
Posty: 1243
Post zebrał 0.000 mBTC

PostWysłany: 14:51, 11 Cze '11   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem


"MEMRI is the single most important source for understanding what is happening in the Greater Middle East and what we must know to fight effectively the war on terrorism both at home and abroad."
– James Woolsey, Former CIA Director and MEMRI Board Membe

"MEMRI allows an audience far beyond the Arabic-speaking world to observe the wide variety of Arab voices speaking through the media, schoolbooks, and pulpits to their own people. What one hears is often astonishing, sometimes frightening, and always important. Most importantly, it includes the newly-emerging liberal voices of reform and hope, as well as disturbing echoes of ancient hatreds. Without the valuable research of MEMRI, the non-Arabic speaking world would not have this indispensable window."
– Richard Holbrooke, Former Ambassador to the U.N. and current Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan

"MEMRI is the single most important source for understanding what is happening in the Greater Middle East and what we must know to fight effectively the war against terrorism both at home and abroad."
– R. James Woolsey, Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (1993-1995)

"Sun Tzu's famous quote, "Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will never be in peril" is the single most important expression of the relative value of MEMRI. The world faces the threat of Islamic radicals who communicate in languages that are not well represented in academia nor in the Defense Department. To know the enemy, one must listen to what is being said. No other source is so comprehensive and culturally informative as MEMRI translations. To fully grasp the nature of the threat, one must have access to timely, accurate, and unbiased information. In lieu of vast military capability in these challenging languages, MEMRI fills a gap."
– Jeff Norwitz, Professor, John N. Brown Chair of Counterterrorism, U.S. Naval War College

"Clearly the products provided by MEMRI are essential research tools unfettered by ideology and political bias. Across the board, your translations from the Middle East press have become important tools in bridging the language gap and deepening Western and international analysis of Middle Eastern events."
– Lt. Gen. Michael N. Dunn, former President of the National Defense University

"Thanks to MEMRI, we can see what our enemies are saying, how they see the world, and how they see us. This open source of intelligence is invaluable."
– United States Representative Gary Ackerman, (D-NY) Chairman of the House of Representatives Subcommittee on the Middle East

"The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is an outstanding place to start but the White House would be a far more authoritative source and its resources could create a far more powerful archive of hatred, tyranny, and Islamic fascist despotism."
– Newt Gingrich, Former Speaker of the House of Representatives

"Your assistance has been absolutely invaluable."
– Lt. Col., Multi-National Force – Iraq

"There is NO news source on the Muslim worldwide community more important or influential than MEMRI TV."
– Steve Emerson, Executive Director of The Investigative Project

"MEMRI is providing an invaluable window into the kind of slickly produced yet hate-filled programming that fuels violence and terrorism throughout the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe and here in America,"
– United States Representative Steven Rothman (D-NJ)

"MEMRI is the single most important development in Middle East Studies in the past 25 years.

– Professor Bernard Lewis, Princeton University

"The value of MEMRI extends beyond translation. The reports and backgrounders you provide are also of great value. In my view, you are indispensable to anyone seeking a balanced assessment of the Middle East."
– Associate Dean of Academics, U.S. Naval War College

"I really appreciate the work that MEMRI contributes to understanding the complexities of the region. My subcommittee relies on MEMRI's bulletins, books, and alerts. We use them for hearing and briefing preparations as well as gaining a more in-depth view of events. Your attention to the nuances of Middle East affairs is important for us as we consider our policy in this most important area."
– United States Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, (R-FL), Ranking Member of Committee on Foreign Affairs

"Let me first express my appreciation to MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Institute, for invaluable work they're doing. At a time when the line of division between the civilized world and terrorism is as clear as it is today, MEMRI's enormously effective work, on behalf of truth, civilization, open press of all types, is deeply appreciated by many of us in the Congress."
– The late Tom Lantos (D-CA)

"MEMRI does an outstanding job of reviewing the Arab language press. Knowing what is being said about America and Israel is critical to understanding the Middle East. Holding Arab leaders accountable for failure to refute outrageous lies about America is an important part of our public diplomacy efforts and ultimately our Middle East policy."
– United States Representative Brad Sherman (D-CA)

"If MEMRI didn't exist we would have to invent it. So I salute MEMRI and its president, Yigal Carmon*, and hope they continue to shine the spotlight of truth on the Middle Eastern governments and media outlets in their own words."

– United States Representative Rep. Mike Pence, (R-IN) Ranking Member of the House of Representatives Subcommittee on the Middle East

"For anyone interested in what is really happening in the Middle East – what the Arab world is saying to itself – MEMRI is utterly indispensable. It should be read daily by scholars, journalists and policymakers with any interest in this part of the world."

– Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post Pulitzer Prize Columnist

"If your Arabic, Farsi, and Hebrew are a little rusty, this site's translations offer a unique window into the Mideast press… Tucker Eskew, the recently departed Director of the White House's Office of Global Communications, called MEMRI his primary non-government source on the Middle East."
– National Journal

"The Middle East Media Research Institute has played such a tremendous role in making sure that the truth is told and making sure that we hold accountable voices around the world and in particular in those regions of the world that don't have a lot of transparency, that, frankly, don't have the privilege of having the truth uncovered every day."
– United States Representative Eric Cantor (R-VA), Minority Whip

"Your material is the best I've seen so far. You can bet my troops appreciate as much as I do."

– U.S. Treasury Department, Intelligence Branch


Dla mnie bomba!!! thumright

* Yigal Carmon - Colonel, IDF Intelligence from 1968–88, Acting head and adviser on Arab affairs, Civil Administration in Judea and Samaria, 1977–1982, Counterterrorism adviser to prime ministers Yitzhak Shamir and Yitzhak Rabin 1988-93, Delegate, Israeli peace negotiations with Syria in Madrid and Washington in 1991-92, Founder and President, MEMRI, 1998–present
Carmon is fluent in Arabic. He has also testified before the US Congress and European parliaments
Powrót do góry
Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość

Dołączył: 10 Lis 2007
Posty: 779
Post zebrał 0.000 mBTC

PostWysłany: 17:28, 11 Cze '11   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

pszek napisał:
Masz jakiś problem @ostrożny ? jeśli otwarcie piszą o swojej kuchni to tylko znaczy że są uczciwi.
Przecież mogliby ukryć się za nic nie mówiącymi nazwami fundacji ,np Veritas ,Nasza Przyszłość ,czy jakoś tak.Tak przecież się robi ,możesz mi wierzyć .

Cieszę, że zaczynasz grać w otwarte karty. Czekam jeszcze, aż będziesz też tak samo uczciwy i napiszesz nam o swojej kuchni. Po co się masz nadal ukrywać, przecież to jest męczące. Wierz mi, że tak się robi, choćby dla własnego zdrowia.

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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość
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