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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 12:59, 13 Lis '10   Temat postu: Chaled Szejk Mohammed Odpowiedz z cytatem

Nazywają go pomysłodawcą i głównym organizatorem zamachów na World Trade Center z 11 września 2001 (link)...
Jednak mając na uwadze iż jegomość ów nigdy jeszcze nie został skazany przez żaden sąd, w świetle polskiego prawa, jest to najzwyklejsze w świecie pomówienie.

Jeszcze wczoraj Washington Post pisał że Szejk Mohammed jest właśnie w sądzie federalnym gdzie odbędzie się jego proces...
Try Khalid Sheik Mohammed in federal court
Friday, November 12, 2010; 8:48 PM

The Nov. 6 editorial "Trying Sept. 11's mastermind" correctly asserted that Khalid Sheik Mohammed must face trial, and soon. However, there is no need to search far and wide for a trial forum. One year ago, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. got it right when he announced that the government would try KSM and his co-defendants in U.S. District Court. The president and Congress should support his decision.

reszta: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/con.....06355.html

Tymczasem dziś dowiadujemy się, że administracja Obamy powiedziała, że "samozwańczy organizator zamachów 9/11" najprawdopodobniej pozostanie w wojskowym więzieniu i żadnego procesu nie będzie.
Opposition to U.S. trial likely to keep mastermind of 9/11 attacks in detention
Saturday, November 13, 2010; 12:38 AM

Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, will probably remain in military detention without trial for the foreseeable future, according to Obama administration officials.

The administration has concluded that it cannot put Mohammed on trial in federal court because of the opposition of lawmakers in Congress and in New York. There is also little internal support for resurrecting a military prosecution at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The latter option would alienate liberal supporters.

The administration asserts that it can hold Mohammed and other al-Qaeda operatives under the laws of war, a principle that has been upheld by the courts when Guantanamo Bay detainees have challenged their detention.

The White House has made it clear that President Obama will ultimately make the decision, and a federal prosecution of Mohammed and four alleged co-conspirators has not been ruled out, senior officials said. Still, they acknowledge that a trial is unlikely to happen before the next presidential election and, even then, would require a different political environment.

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said this week that a decision on a trial for Mohammed was close. Other administration officials said that his remark was simply a stock response to a frequently asked question and that it didn't signal that any announcement was imminent.

After Holder spoke, Democratic Sen. Charles E. Schumer and Republican Rep. Peter King, both of New York, reiterated their opposition to a Sept. 11-related trial anywhere in New York state, as did the state's governor-elect, Andrew Cuomo. Lawmakers and officials in the state have cited concerns about a trial's cost as well as security issues.

Administration officials think opposition would be as entrenched in Virginia and Pennsylvania, the other viable federal districts for a trial, given that deaths on Sept. 11 occurred at the Pentagon and on United Flight 93.

Holder "says soon. Schumer says never. It's somewhere between the two," said a senior administration official who, like other officials, would discuss internal deliberations only on the condition of anonymity.

A Justice Department spokesman declined to comment.

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Dołączył: 07 Sty 2009
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PostWysłany: 14:30, 13 Lis '10   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Tak sobie myślę, że tego typu posunięcia USA (pomijając oczywisty fakt politycznej korzyści z kozła ofiarnego) są wpisane w propagandę nienawiści wobec Islamistów. Dzięki niesprawiedliwemu traktowaniu tego człowieka, dzięki upodleniu - choćby za sprawą zdjęć jak to powyżej, USA zyskują wielu wrogów wśród jego ziomków, co oczywiście jest na korzyść "wojny z terrorem". Tego typu prowokacje tylko ułatwiają rozkręcanie tej wojny na dobre.
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Dołączył: 28 Maj 2009
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PostWysłany: 18:54, 15 Lis '10   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

ale budrys, przejebane być jego babą Laughing
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 10:09, 05 Kwi '11   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

The alleged mastermind of the September 11, 2001 attacks has been stripped his right to be tried at a civilian courtroom and will instead, appear before a military commission at Guantanamo.

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. will announce on Monday that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other accused conspirators will face charges before a panel of military officers, a law enforcement official said on Monday.

The decision is a reversal after Holder said on November 2009 that he had decided that the accused should be tried in a civilian court in New York City.

Shortly after he came to office in 2009, US President Barrack Obama announced that he was closing Guantanamo Bay and was willing to try the conspirators in a federal civilian court.

But the decision to place suspects in a New York City courtroom was met with fierce resistance from local residents who said they did not want to deal with another potential threat in downtown Manhattan.

The Monday decision comes on the same day that the Supreme Court refused to step in and hear appeals from Guantanamo detainees challenging their detention.

Analysts say the move signals that the US highest court does not want to get involved with how the lower court is dealing with legal issues involving detainees.

Mohammed was captured in Pakistan in March 2003 and sent to the US detention center in Cuba in 2006.

He has allegedly confessed to organizing, planning, follow-up and execution of the 9/11 operation which killed more than 3,000 people.

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Site Admin

Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 11:17, 29 Sty '13   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

9/11 suspects' lawyers demand CIA 'black sites' to be preserved as evidence

Self-confessed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other defenders claim they were tortured in Guantanamo, prompting their lawyers to call for the preservation of the CIA secret prisons to use them as evidence.

The pretrial hearing for the suspected terrorist conspirators began Monday. Facing the death penalty for their involvement in the deadly attacks that killed 2,976 people on September 11, 2011, the five prisoners are making a last-ditch attempt to reduce sentence by describing their torture experiences at the Guantanamo Bay US Naval Base.

Mohammed previously accused the US government of killing millions of people and employing inhumane torture procedures “under the name of national security.” Attorneys representing the defendants are now calling for the judge to demand the preservation of the CIA “black sites” to use as evidence in the case against the US government. If the attorneys are able to prove that any of the evidence against the conspirators was obtained through torture, then this evidence may be excluded during the trial and lead to reduced sentences.

The defense team has also asked the judge to order the US government to give all White House and Justice Departments documents about the CIA’s handling of the prisoners to the defense. The agency moved its al-Qaeda prisoners across borders to the Guantanamo prison after the 9/11 attacks and questioned them without a judicial review. Documents regarding the actions of the intelligence agency have not yet been made available to the defense.

This week’s pretrial hearing is “the first step toward finding what happened in the torture of these men,” James Connell, an attorney for Ali Abdul Aziz Ali, an accused 9/11 conspirator and nephew of Mohammed, said in a press conference on Sunday.

Mohammed and the other defendants will argue that they were subjected to torture including waterboarding, sleep deprivation, and threats. The prisoners were allegedly also forced to endure painful positions while having their arms and legs tightly chained.

reszta: http://rt.com/usa/news/lawyers-cia-evidence-torture-930/
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