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Ring of Power 2 Monkey Blood (2008) 1 (2007)  
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Dołączył: 12 Wrz 2009
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PostWysłany: 23:51, 12 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Ring of Power 2 Monkey Blood (2008) 1 (2007) Odpowiedz z cytatem

The Ring of Power 2 Monkey Blood (2008) + The Ring of Power (2007)

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Amenstop Production - Help Free The Earth - http://www.helpfreetheearth.com

Polecam obejrzeć Monkey Blood to tylko 57 minut (sam w całości jedynki jeszcze nie oglądałem ok. 6h ale zrobię to wkrótce). Tak jak i jedynka, film zrobiony techniką domową (jakość techniczna niezbyt wysoka) ale o bardzo dużym walorze informacyjnym. Film uzupełnia i systematyzuje informacje znane z filmów Davida Icke'a, Alexa Jonesa i innych.

Monkey Blood: pochodzenie człowieka wg teorii ewolucji, krew, Rh+, Rh-, DNA, mózg, eden, Atlantyda, bogowie, genetyka, Enki, Posejdon, Wenus, niebieska krew, 250 genów niewiadomego pochodzenia, nieużywane DNA, nieużywana część mózgu, cel szyszynki i co dalej...

Naprawdę interesujące spojrzenie na niektóre fakty, pokazane prosto i do dalszego studiowania.

The Ring of Power 2 Monkey Blood (2008) - http://www.helpfreetheearth.com/DVD-MONKEY-detail-buy1.html

Okładka (Cover): http://images44.fotosik.pl/196/c894414c16b7b5a7.jpg
Opis (Back): http://images38.fotosik.pl/192/f64301d4be93f903.jpg

Dlaczego krew 85% ludzi wykazuje charakterystykę krwi szympansów (Rh+)?
Dlaczego używamy tylko 10% masy naszego mózgu?
Dlaczego nasz DNA zawiera dziwną partie, która nie wiadomo do czego służy?
Jaka jest rola szyszynki (pozostałość "trzeciego oka", oka ciemieniowego)?


Creationists believe that the human race was created by God, which means that God genetically engineered us. Most believers would agree that God is a being or an energy not of this planet or of this dimension. God must therefore be an alien. Many of the ancient texts talks of God’s who came to Earth from the heavens, and created man in their own image. In the Bible’s Book of Genesis, the Gods are described as giant beings called the Nephilim, or fallen ones. The Egyptians, Phoenicians, Chaldeans, Mayans, Aztecs, Areians, Assyrians, and the inhabitants of Ancient Indian Tibet, have all recorded the arrival of Gods from the heavens, in their ancient writings.

The best place to get answers about who these gods were is from the oldest known records written by the oldest known civilization, the Sumerians whose culture dates back the 6,000 BC. The Sumerians documented the arrival of gods from another world who brought with them advanced knowledge. They call these gods the Annunaki which means those who from Heaven to Earth came. In the 1800s Sumerian clay tablets were found in present day Iraq. The tablets clearly identified the name of the god who genetically engineered the human race. His name was Enki, and he’s the same god the Greeks called Poseidon.

Who Are We?
If you have Rh-positive blood like 85% of the world's population, that means you have a monkey gene that can be traced to the Rhesus monkey. Ancient civilizations documented the arrival of "gods" from the sky who created humans in their own image. Since humans have 98% of the same DNA as chimps, did ancient astronauts donate the other 2%?

Where Did We Come From?
The world's oldest known civilization, the Sumerians, wrote that the "gods" came from the "planet of the crossing". The only planet that crosses between Earth and the sun is Venus. Scientists now believe that Venus was once a lush, fertile planet that may have supported advanced life forms until a cataclysm caused a runaway greenhouse effect. What happened?

Where are we going?
Geneticists claim that 97% of our DNA is junk DNA. Is it really "junk DNA" or is it "Divine DNA"? The human pineal gland is located behind our eyes and is said to be our third eye and the gateway to higher realms and higher consciousness. It releases "feel good" chemicals in our brain and gives us the experience of "bliss". In most adults, the pineal gland is dormantabut there is a simple ancient technique that can awaken it.


"Finally! An explanation about our human origins that makes sense and connects the dots for me. I never really bought the Darwin or creationist story. This is a breakthrough of epic proportions!" ~ Susan Morris

"I need to watch it again to absorb all of the intricacies and information. It made me question who I really am and whether I am ready for the responsibility of the answer. Excellent exploration - so unique, like nothing I've ever seen before." ~ Layla Alizada

"The kind of history lesson I never got in school!" ~ Rob

"Monkey Blood rang true for me and by the end, it really hit one out of the park." ~ Darren

"WOW! Prepare to be challenged about the beliefs of our human origins, the function of our DNA and much more. An intense and captivating production that demands repeat viewings and a profound journey of questioning who we are and why we're here." ~ Maya

"A fantastic new episode as a follow-up to 'Ring of Power'. I love the whole concept. So many great aspects such as the gene section, blue bloods & the pineal gland. Mostly, I love how it offers a sense of hope for humanity... while providing solutions!" ~ Melanie

Do oglądania on-line:

Całość Part I - The Ring of Power 2 Monkey Blood - 57:16
BRAK Part II - Solutions ok 30min

Do pobrania:


Jest to plik FLV 114.5Mb - 57:16
Całość Part I - The Ring of Power 2 Monkey Blood
BRAK Part II - Solutions ok 30min


Znalazłem NIEAKTYWNE linki RS do wersji AVI

TiTLE......: Ring Of Power 2: Monkey Blood
YEAR.......: 2008
RUNTiME....: 90min
LANGUAGE...: English
FiLES......: 2
SiZE.......: 750mb

Part I: Monkey Blood
Part II: Solutions
Approx. 92 min.  2008

Jak znajdę lepszą wersję to dodam na forum.

The Ring of Power (2007) - http://www.helpfreetheearth.com/DVD-ROP-detail-buy1.html

Okładka (Back+Cover): http://images46.fotosik.pl/196/f8e716fb23162d72.jpg
Opis (Back): http://images39.fotosik.pl/193/603d008db9897ef9.jpg

Seria dokumentalna dotycząca ukrytej historii świata, historii religii, ukrytej władzy i Nowego Porządku Świata.
Film zrobiony techniką domową (jakość techniczna niezbyt wysoka) ale o bardzo dużym walorze informacyjnym.
Film uzupełnia i systematyzuje informacje znane z filmów Davida Icke'a, Alexa Jonesa i innych.


From the mystery religions of ancient Egypt to the Zionist role in 9/11, "Ring Of Power" unrevises 4000 years of revisionist human history ... all » with never - before - seen revelations. "Ring Of Power" puzzles together the pieces of a giant puzzle into one BIG PICTURE documentary series.

The Producer is an experienced, award winning documentary filmmaker who, as a child, learned that her father was a member of the secretive cult of Freemasonry. She recalls many arguments between her parents over her father's secret meetings and the exclusion of women from the brotherhood. The Masonic ring that her father wore had been passed down from father to son over the generations. When she asked her father about the meaning of the letter "G" and the compass and square on his ring, she got no response. As an adult, she decided to investigate. That investigation grew into four years of intensive research into the identity and history of the diabolical globalists who she calls the "Ring Of Power". Their goal is one World Empire and one world ruler.

Part I: 9/11 THE UNTOLD STORY (38 min.) Half the world believes Muslims were responsible for 9/11. The other half believes Israeli Zionists were responsible. Who’s right?

Part II: HIDDEN EMPIRE (22 min.) The world’s most powerful empire is not the U.S.A. It is an empire that insiders call “Empire Of The City”.

Part III: TRAIL OF THE PHARAOHS (25 min.) Did the Biblical Abraham really live to be 175? Did Moses really turn staffs into snakes and rivers into blood?

Part IV: GOD AND THE QUEEN (30 min.) Genealogy charts show that British and French royalty are descendants of Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ. Is it true?

Part V: ALL THE QUEEN’S MEN (22 min.) How rich and powerful is Queen Elizabeth II?

Part VI: THE GODFATHERS (30 min.) They scammed control of the Bank of England and the U.S. Federal Reserve, then they found GOD – Gold, Oil and Drugs.

Part VII: CHEATING AT MONOPOLY (52 min.) How many people would play a game of monopoly if the banker was cheating and fixing the rules? Over 6 billion.

Part VIII: ASSES OF EVIL (29 min.) The New World Order Mafia are invisible rulers who make puppets out of politicians, heroes out of villains and villains out of heroes.

Part IX: KING OF HEARTS (22 min.) The ultimate goal of “insiders” is to disarm the world and create one world empire under one world ruler. Who is he?

Part X: SOLUTIONS (28 min.) Protesting and writing letters to deaf politicians doesn’t work. What does work?

Do oglądania on-line:

Całość 4 pliki:

Prawdopodobnie tylko pierwsza połowa - Part 1-5 na 10

Do pobrania:

Całość 4 pliki:
1. 1h27 2. 56min. 3. 1h22 4. 1h17 (wg info plików on-line na veoh i ilości linków RS)
1. 1h27 2. 1h22 3. 1h17 4. 56 min. (wg info przy linkach RS)

Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV

Wszystkie linki razem (do skopiowania):


William Antichrist 2015 - http://www.helpfreetheearth.com/bookStoreAC.html

Jeszcze w 2009 ma się ukazać książka tego samego autora co powyższa seria Ring of Power 1 i 2.

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Dołączył: 04 Gru 2006
Posty: 1428
Post zebrał 0.000 mBTC

PostWysłany: 15:39, 13 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

...czasami po prostu lepsza od prawdy jest wiara w coś....
ludzie muszą zostać nagrodzeni za trwanie przy wierze inaczej rozlecą się w pył
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