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Dołączył: 28 Paź 2009
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PostWysłany: 12:15, 28 Paź '09   Temat postu: czego nie chca zebys wiedzial o wojnie w iraku Odpowiedz z cytatem

w linku powyzej jest naprawde ciezka prawda o wojnie w iraku (a przynajmniej o pewnych "ekscesach"). o deformacjach wywolanych bronia uranowa (zdjecia tak mocne ze wami zatrzesie), o pedofilskich zachowaniach zolnierzy, mordowaniu BEZBRONNYCH ludzi, o korupcji i o calym tym kurewskim klamstwie.

ohydnosc obecnej rzeczywistosci sprawia ze chce sie zygac!
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Dołączył: 04 Lip 2009
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PostWysłany: 13:06, 28 Paź '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

NO JUSTICE NO PEACE jak to ładnie pani ujeła

USA zachowuje się jak imerium w agonii , które powoli traci swoje wpływy . Wzmaga terror przeciwko najsłabszym , ale traci grunt i zdaje sobie z tego sprawę . Tak samo zachowywali się naziści kiedy wszystko zaczeło sie sypać i zaczeli zdawać sobie sprawę z przegranej - wzmógł się terror . A szczyt przypadł na okres po zamachu na Hitlera i ten nieszczęsny rozkaz Hitlera z 19 marca 1945 roku zwany rozkazem nerona o niszczeniu infrastruktury niemiec .
USA będzie dalej szło ta drogą i bedzie bardziej brneło w to gówno , aż bedzie zapóźno . Taka jest logika imperiów .
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Dołączył: 18 Wrz 2007
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PostWysłany: 16:07, 28 Paź '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem


Komentarze tekstowe (6):
Rentonboyo (1 miesiąc temu)
I sincerely hope the American's enjoy waking up to a nuclear holocaust winter. That stupid bitch Palin thinks talking to white investors in Hong Kong is going to do anything to satiate the lust for Vengeance of the people of China? The Rothschild's are currently being tracked by Chinese Security Services. All they need is a green light, and Rothschild family is all assassinated - just vengeance for the people's freedom.
9/11 New World Order plan: Europe, America vs Russia, China 10:00 21,3 MB
Komentarze tekstowe (1176):
earthbeautiful 28 VII 2008
We are still living under the Anglo-American World Empire. The key London oligarchs, bankers, the House of Windsor and those in alliance with them (who brought the Nazi system into power, starting in the 1920s) are still dominating the political-occult ruling Elite, of which the Bilderberg group...
The biofuel scam of Prince Philip that is reducing the worlds population. It is now been exposed biofuel has caused the present food crisis. Leaked report - Biofuels the source of world food crisis:
LaRouche also talked about World War 3 and the British Empire's past and present successful plans to take control of the whole planet.
David Rockefeller speaks about population control. 4:14
9,17 MB
David Rockefeller gives a speech about over population. In this video, you will hear and see him discussing how the U.N. should sustain the population.
Komentarze tekstowe (2515)
Fallinldols (1 tydzień temu)

And the problem is not the population there is enough resourses and space for everyone on this planet 100 times over that is just an illusion they want you to believe. Greed has run a muck. I mean we COULD feed alot of fucking people if we really wanted to. Im even sure this guy had something to do with AIDS being manufactured in a labritory. Thats the depopulation senario for Mr. Cockefeller
tgambill (2 tygodnie temu)

tomo.....Rockefeller is lying with his figures. Google his claim of the average live expectancy 46 years to 63 years...is a lie. This speech is to support the NSSM 200 plan by Kissinger and haig. The Cervical cancer vaccine has killed over 36 girls, and injured 11,000+. It is specifically designed to sterilized permanently and has NOTHING To do with cervical cancer. They in fact create wars, and cancer cells to reduce the population and you don't want to know who developed HIV/AIDS.
tobiasaurusrex (2 tygodnie temu)

The wealthy consume more resources than the poor. Rockefeller would rather sacrifice some of the people clogging up his planet, rather than give up some of his wasteful luxuries, I guess (yachts, jets, limousines, golf courses...).
See the Georgia Guidestones? They want six billion people gone. -
jimorocks (2 tygodnie temu)

Those of you who believe in this vile Bull shit that rockefeller is Spewing need to step up to the plate and sacrifice yourself and family. And rockefeller should be the first in line. What? but he's rich! only the poor and uneducated should die! got news for ya all, viruses such as H1N1 are part of the design. and they'll use the vaccine to help you along to die. this pompous ass is so evil! And he's part owner of the federal reserve thats not even part of the USA government. support HR1207!!
hibwibhibwibdibby (2 tygodnie temu)

Are you an expert on world population? if you did some research you will find over population is b******t. The whole 6 billion world population could all live on a 3rd of the island Australia with 2 acres of land each, leaving the rest of the world empty. This person is more intrested in his well being, you think he loves the earth or somthing lol
leonclouds (2 tygodnie temu)

this guy made 1 trillion dollars during world war 2 sick....
Aralmo640 (3 tygodnie temu)

A/H1N1 sounds familiar to you? Bilderberg is the consortium. People on this club thinks they are special because they are born in powerfull familys. Lucky of us they have done too much mistakes. If not, probably today we should be in WW3 and no it's not nuclear war. It's a virus war.
simontristan (3 tygodnie temu)

These New Bolsheviks now in control of USA are going to bring the Red Terror to USA which killed 130 million in the last century in Russia.
Shikyou (3 tygodnie temu)

If Population must be reduced lets do it by removing the REAL scum of the Earth. The power mongers like the Rockefellers! Starting with David!
intheknow7 (1 miesiąc temu)

If the 1% (owners of the world's resources) would cease their pursuit of greedy Godless policies of monopolization, there would be plenty for ALL. All talk of population control is a cover for eugenics - - there's too many of us for them to "stage manage" Pls do some research...who owns everything? Who lends everyone (primarily gov'ts) money? Who has the best medical care? Rothschilds / Rockefellers (agents) have been ruling for centuries!
THCKillaFiend87 (1 miesiąc temu)

We can all agree with one thing.. This man is EVIL
mydozer (1 miesiąc temu)

The Rockefeller family in 1998 was worth 11.48 trillion.
danmarino1970 (1 miesiąc temu)

Use the trillions of dollars that corporate america has literally stole from its hard working citizens to bail out already lucrative and wealth wall street bankers and utilize that money for a healthier planet... to educate the world and its popuus on how fragile the planet really is and how important it is to protect it... Utilize this money to clean up the oceans of the world that have given us life...
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Dołączył: 12 Kwi 2009
Posty: 27
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PostWysłany: 16:31, 28 Paź '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

rewelacyjny filmik.az przechadza ciarki.mocne zdjecia.wart przetlumaczenia na polski i wysylania linkow wszedzie i wszystkim.
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Dołączył: 20 Wrz 2009
Posty: 1035
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PostWysłany: 16:52, 28 Paź '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Znalazlem artykul pojawiacy sie jako migawka w filmie. Teraz wiadomo czemu byli tam Brytole, Sowieci i teraz ta banda klaunow lacznie z polskimi zolnierzami. Filmik mocny. Te zdjecia naprawde powalaja. Te przypadki potwierdzaja uzywanie:


Broń radiologiczna to broń wykorzystująca pierwiastki radioaktywne powodująca najczęściej promieniotwórcze skażenie terenu.

Co powoduje:

Skażenie promieniotwórcze - znaczny wzrost aktywności promieniotwórczej przedmiotów, organizmów żywych, budynków i wielkich obszarów, powyżej naturalnego poziomu aktywności promieniotwórczej.


Czy ten "bialy fosfor" podchodzi pod

(konwencja o zakazie prowadzenia badań, produkcji, składowania i użycia broni chemicznej oraz o zniszczeniu jej zapasów, podpisana 1993 w Paryżu przez 127 państw).


A to artykul

KABUL 2008 (AFP) — Afghanistan is sitting on a wealth of mineral reserves -- perhaps the richest in the region -- that offer hope for a country mired in poverty after decades of war, the mining minister says.

Significant deposits of copper, iron, gold, oil and gas, and coal -- as well as precious gems such as emeralds and rubies -- are largely untapped and still being mapped, Mohammad Ibrahim Adel told AFP.

And they promise prosperity for one of the world's poorest countries, the minister said, dismissing concerns that a Taliban-led insurgency may thwart efforts to unearth this treasure.

Already in the pipeline is the exploitation of a massive copper deposit -- one of the biggest in the world -- about 30 kilometres (20 miles) east of Kabul.

"There has not been such a big project in the history of Afghanistan," Adel said.

A 30-year lease for the Aynak copper mine was in November offered to the China Metallurgical Group Corporation and the contract is being finalised.

"It is estimated that the Aynak deposit has more than 11 million tonnes (of copper)," he said, citing 1960s surveys by the Soviet Union and a new study by the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

"With today's prices, it contains an 88-billion-dollar deposit," he said.

The mine is expected to bring the government 400 million dollars annually in fees and taxes, Adel said.

That is on top of an 800-million-dollar downpayment from the developer who has also committed to build a railway line, a power plant and a village for workers, complete with schools, clinics and roads.

About 5,000 jobs will be created and mining is expected to start in five years. "Up to 40 percent of the income will pour into our pockets," Adel said.

The colossal Aynak project represents, however, only a fraction of Afghanistan's unexploited resources, he said. The scale of the deposits is still being charted.

The USGS is carrying out a nationwide survey of mineral wealth and oil and gas deposits that is expected to be completed in a year, Adel said.

Studies of only 10 percent of the country have discovered abundant deposits of copper, iron, zinc, lead, gold, silver, gems, salt, marble and coal, the ministry says.

The USGS estimates there are about 700 billion cubic metres of gas and 300 million tonnes of oil across several northern provinces.

A Soviet survey estimated there are more than two billion tonnes of iron reserves, the ministry says.

One of the best known iron deposits is at Haji Gak, 90 kilometres west of Kabul.

"If everything goes as we desire, Haji Gak requires two to three billion dollars' investment," said the minister.

"Another 100 million to 1.5 billion dollars is needed to explore the gas and oil mines."

The government plans to offer more projects for private sector tender next year, Adel said.

There is already some mining underway such as ad hoc emerald extraction in the Panjshir valley region northeast of Kabul, where dynamite is used to blow gems out of the ground.

And the ministry has handed two coal mines to private Afghan companies, although they lack standard equipment.

The Aynak contract will be a model for others, with developers expected to put in basic infrastructure as Afghanistan's power grid is weak and its transport network limited.

There is also the challenge of the insurgency, which overshadows development and has made many areas off-limits to foreign companies.

Writer and analyst Waheed Mujda warned there could be no mining in Taliban-held areas, which are mostly in the south, without the permission of the Islamic extremists.

"Any kind of agreement with Taliban will have to involve money and that money obviously would finance the insurgency in part," Mujda told AFP.

But Adel is not concerned. "We can provide security for mining sites simply by hiring a private security company," he said.

Most of the deposits that have been discovered are in the relatively stable north. There are, however, uranium reserves in the southern province of Helmand, one of the worst for Taliban attacks, the minister said.

The minister's sights are firmly set on mining bringing his impoverished country a brighter future.

"In five years' time Afghanistan will not need the world's aid money," he said. "In 10 years Afghanistan will be the richest country in the region."

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